Simple Shoulder Systems is ideal for the Clinician & Clinic Owner

Simple Shoulder Systems is a resource for all clinicians treating shoulder pain.  Our app is designed to provide patients with a comprehensive and convenient platform for shoulder injuries and conditions. There are many benefits for clinicians, and clinic owners whilst using the app. You will have access to a wide range of cutting-edge tools and resources that will help you manage and educate your patients more effectively, including the latest research, journal articles, and online professional development courses.

With our app, you can improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency and save time.

Subscribe today and experience the benefits for yourself!

The Clinician

Being a clinician is challenging and working out which shoulder tests to conduct in a consult can be daunting. Knowing which validated and reliable tests are out there requires hours of research. Simple Shoulder Systems’ mission is to provide you a solution to which tests to perform and more importantly, what will help me make decisions for my client’s management plan. Having utilised this system throughout my career in the clinic and in elite sport, this simple, sleek, and effective app has helped me to deliver higher quality consults and results with my clients. It will help you make smarter decisions, save you time in the clinic, and will improve your reputation when it comes to managing shoulders. Being able to track your clients progress from consult to consult and bench mark their testing scores against the normative data, will help you make data driven clinical reasoning decisions.

  • Improve your confidence, efficiency, and time management to have a simplified approach when assessing shoulder patients for better results and outcomes.

  • Allows you to upskill you from what you did not learn at University.

  • Be seen as a practitioner of choice when a patient has a shoulder injury! Be seen as knowledgeable, results driven, an expert in your field.

  • Simplifies the difficulty of shoulder assessment into meaningful, validated, EBP assessments. You can choose to have simple validated tests with minimal equipment vs high end testing equipment.

So, what are you waiting for? Like many others, you will find this system is easy to adopt into your practice and it will enhance your reputation by exceeding your clients and referrers expectations!

The Clinic Owner

Reputation, referrals, happy staff, and more importantly happy clients are at the top of the priority list as a business owner. Keeping your staff up to date with the latest tech and professional development is key to their success and is hard to find the time to do so in the real world. The Simple Shoulder Systems App goal is for your clinic and clinician’s to be seen as the go to clinic for shoulder injuries through evidence based assessments, thus enhancing your reputation when it comes to shoulders. Utilising the professional development courses will help upskill your staff without you as the owner needing to give up your valuable time in running the business.

  • Up to date and knowledgeable clinicians

  • Seen to support staff with ongoing PD and mentoring

  • Seen as a clinic that invests in their staff

  • More clinic and clinician income, perceived by external referrers/public as more intelligent, less stressed, working smarter not harder, improved reputation within clinic and towards external referrers.

  • Better productivity and autonomy with your staff - time management, energy levels, confidence, knowledgeable

  • Reduced cost of subscription fees for a clinic (compared to individual users)

Do you want to be the clinic that exceeds clients’ expectations and be results driven? This will improve the word of mouth referrals, keep your staff autonomous, and will provide you with a point of difference compare to the other clinics in the market.